Our Story

Our Story

We started this project with literally nothing but an idea, an iPhone and some lights. The story originally started as a screenplay. The logline was posted on Stage32.com. An actor saw it and expressed interest.

One thing lead to another and the screenplay became an idea for a TV series. Only one problem: no money to shoot it. Improbably, I found a way to hold auditions. I found actors who believed in the concept and willing to work with me. I found a place willing to let me hold auditions even though they would have no staff onsite.

I was never one to just sit around and complain about things. Complaining gets old very quickly. I felt like I wanted to see more great shows with diverse casts.

I never intended to be a producer, director, screen writer or the million other things that I had to become to make this dream a reality. But I did.

The story follows the lives of Kevin Patterson, Cassandra Nelson, Trinity Taylor and Sara Estanza. Four single entrepreneurs with very different outlooks on life and love. This is a dramatic comedy that will take a hard look at what it takes to succeed in business. It will also expose a dark secret: it’s lonely at the top.

Everybody knows that you say? You think you know but until you become an entrepreneur, you never really know. Experience the greatest of highs and lowest of lows of our characters. Success is never quite what you thought it would be.

There are two main components to the show: The Prequel Episodes and the Regular Season Episodes. The Prequel Episodes set up the background story of the characters. They also show the early evolution of the show. You’ll see cast changes and story refinement. It’s our story/documentary of what happen to bring the project to fruition.

The Regular Season episodes will be the true series launch. We will follow our heroes as they struggle to make a go of their company and try to maintain some connection to their personal lives.

The early prequel episodes are raw. We didn’t have much. But, if you care to take the journey with us, you’ll see how we improved over time.

Thank you for allowing us to share this journey with you.

Gregory Q. Jenkins

Creator and Executive Producer